Why you should not clean RAM | How RAM works-Random Access Memory - Technical Meaw


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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Why you should not clean RAM | How RAM works-Random Access Memory

What is RAM (Random-Access-Memory) ?

    RAM or Random Access memory is a essential component of a computer circuit. Random-access-memory (RAM) is a form/type of data storage device that stores data and machine codes that are currently being used by the system. A RAM (random-access-memory) can read or write data items in almost the same amount of time irrespective of their physical location of data inside the memory. Every program of your computer needs some amount of RAM  data storage to perform any job.

How RAM (Random-Access-Memory) Works ?

    The better you understand by assuming the RAM as a pipeline between a water tank and your home and the thickness of the pipe as the capacity of the RAM (random-access-memory) and water as data. Now, whenever I use water (data), the pipe (RAM) is been used. How big is the diameter (capacity of RAM) of my pipe (RAM), the more water (data) I can receive from the tank (other storage devices or processor).

    Whenever you run any program of software on the system, the RAM is the linker of supplier of the data required for that operation to processor to process the data and even from the processor to other components/output devices and ultimately we can see a result.

    But, when you restart or shut down your computer/phone, the data stored into the RAM get erased. Hence the Random-Access-Memory (RAM) is a volatile storage device. Volatile means, it forgets everything and not permanently store any data in RAM unlike other non-volatile storage devices like hard disk or pendrive that stores data permanently.

Why You Should Not Clean RAM Storage ?

    Whenever your system (phone/computer) the internal processes of the OS (Operating System) begin to start. Hence, at start-up your device's RAM is being used by your system itself. And moreover every application and function needs the RAM memory to run. So, there always some working parts of the RAM that is being used by some applications that you have opened or recently opened. When you are doing multitasking or opened 2 or more apps at a time, if you jumps from one app to another, the RAM loads the data directly  from under itself that is in under progress. Hence, the load over RAM gets less and it doesn't need to again load the data from the hard disk. Whenever you opens a application, the RAM starts to load the data required from the hard disk to run the app.

    Now, if you clean the RAM storage frequently, then every time you open a app or jumps into another app the RAM needs to load the data again and again from the hard disk. Hence, the energy consumption will be high and more loads will be fall on the RAM. Your device or the OS (Operating System) is smart enough to clean the unnecessary data time to time. You do not have to worry about it. So, if you don't clean the RAM the efficiency and time consumption will be less in doing multitasking. And moreover it'll be more suitable for the battery life of your phone. It every time don't need to load the same data, hence the power consumption will be less.

    I hope you understand the concept of RAM in a system (phone/computer). If you have some quarry related to RAM (Random-Access-Memory), comment below, I'll definitely try to answer that.

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